Saturday, August 2, 2008

Long Runs and Road Races - The Week in Review

This past week I was on vacation in New Hampshire, and overall I think my week of running was productive. I started the vacation with a 14 mile long run (my longest ever), which felt surprisingly good until the last half hour or so. The next day I stayed loose with a 2.5 mile jog, preparing for a 10 mile road race in Newburyport, MA which my uncle told me about. My Uncle Willis, sister Maureen, and myself drove down to Newburyport on Tuesday night for the Yankee Homecoming 10 mile road race. I was really happy with my time of 80 minutes, and had that post race exhilaration. I ran 5 miles on Wednesday, took Thursday off, and ran 5 today (Friday). I understand that my running hasn't exactly followed the schedule I had set up, but I got decent mileage in as well as a couple of hard workouts.

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