Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday 7/15

Today I ran an easy 4 miles. I've run pretty hard the past couple of days, and I'm supposed to do my Q2 workout tomorrow with Trev.

My foot problems continue, with hot spots on the heels that seem to persist no matter what shoes I wear or how I lace them. I'm trying to remain upbeat about this nagging problem. It seems like such a small issue but it can be a severe nuisance. I'm hoping to prevent the development of new blisters by alternating between my old and new shoes for a few days in order to give the new ones a chance to break in. When I bought my last pair of shoes (my current old ones) I got an infected blister on my right heel that sidelined me for a few days. Once the blister healed I used those shoes for a few months and liked them ....

I read that running shoes shouldn't need breaking in as much as regular shoes because of their synthetic makeup... but I think that's a lie.


Owen said...

Yo. You should make sure you're using the correct motion control shoe type for your gait. Also, an easier suggestion: synthetic socks.

Kathryn Kellett said...

Listen. I used to get TERRIBLE blisters before I started wearing blister-free socks made by WrightSock: http://www.wrightsock.com/

I stopped getting blisters altogether after I made the switch, and I didn't get a single blister during the marathon! No exaggeration! Give 'em a try!